Sunday, January 10, 2010

Poppies New Toy!

Boys will NEVER grow up! From 2 to 200 they will all still love to play with toys! My grandfather purchased himself a new toy! A Fully restored 1939 A John Deere Tractor! In great working condition might I add! My dad called me and told me to bring my camera and come down to my grandparents house to take pictures of "poppies new toy"! So, I grabbed my camera and took off! When I got there, they were all surrounding this big green looked like bunch of boys on the playground looking at a bug on the ground. They were all huddled around the tractor just oohhing and aaahhhing!! My dad got my to record a video of him cranking the tractor. You have to push in this lever, pull this one, and turn a crank to start the thing up! When it started "popping" my dad got the biggest candy eating smile on his face! It actually was really cute to see a 50 year old man get that excited over something like that! My Grandpa was the same way! You should have seen that 78 year old man climbing on top of that John Deere! So, from the Oldest to the Youngest, each one of those crazy, wonderful men in my family got there turn on the new toy...It was quite a day at Poppies house!! ....Men!!! ;-)

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