Monday, January 4, 2010

4 Christmases

That's right, I got to celebrate Christmas 4 times!!! It was awesome! I got to spend Christmas eve, and Christmas day filled with family, good food, and awesome memories!! Every Christmas eve we get together at my Great-Grandmothers house. Now a days there are upwards of 95 of us converging on the old house! We eat, and enjoy each others company and around 10pm we start divvying up the loot! The grands, great grands and even great-great grands love it! Then on Christmas morning, we open presents at our respective homes, than we are at it again! We go to my Maternal Grandmother's house for breakfast, every year consisting of Bacon, Sausage, Eggs, Biscuits, Gravy, Grits, and of course cheese...and a LARGE pot of never ending Coffee! Then once all the excitement dulls to just a small roar, we all disperse to the next event! In our case it's my Paternal Grandparent's home! This year we had the pleasure (thanks to one of my new uncles) to have fresh seafood for Christmas Lunch! We had a Beaufort stew, and a cooler FULL of oysters!! MMMMM!!! Each year as I get older, I realize just how special and wonderful Christmas is. With the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and just being with Family! Making memories, sharing stories, I am truly blessed to have such an awesome family to get to spend my Christmases with!

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