Thursday, April 22, 2010

In March I was able to go to Washington State for a 2 week visit! I had never been that far away from home! was SO worth the almost 7 hours of flying to get there! I took almost 300 pictures!! There was no way to put all of them on here, so I am adding my favorites!! Hope you guys enjoy them, and if you ever get the chance to go to Seattle....GO!! It's well worth it! We were able to go to Pikes Market, where the Original Starbucks is located, we saw the "gum wall" (it was gross and cool all at the same time!). We also were able to go to a place called Northwest Trek, it's like an open zoo! They had free range animals (not the dangerous ones of course!), it was really cool! We drove down to Portland Oregon one day, we had to go to Voodoo Doughnuts...that was quite interesting!! This is the first time I am attempting to do a slide show, enjoy the pictures!

This was on the way home from Portland Oregon. It was BEAUTIFUL!

This is typical of Washington State! It is really beautiful.

The view from our hotel in Seattle. I love the little "yard" on the roof of the building behind us!

I LOVE this picture! I could look at it forever!

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