Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Chelsea and Chris's Christmas pictures

My Chelsea and her boyfriend Chris wanted some Christmas pictures of them and there cute little puppy Cooper! It was really hard to stop taking picture of them! I had quite a few favorites out of this shoot!!

Jeannette's here!!

A friend of mine came down to visit her sister and family...and ME for Christmas! She didn't get to stay until Christmas but, we had a blast for the week that she was here! She wanted some pictures taken of her at the State house! So...I kindly obliged!! These are just a few of my favorites!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Christmas season is upon us!!

My Best friend Michelle called me and asked if we could take some pictures of her and her family for Christmas presents. So, last Saturday morning we meet at the State House and I started snapping away! Here are some of my favorites!!

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